Sunday, April 25, 2010

Product Review: Universal Strength Apparatus (USA)

This unique training accessory can take your bodyweight workouts to the next level by introducing a variety of new exercises and challenging exercise variations.  It is similar to the Jungle Gym straps I introduced in an earlier post, but with some unique differences.  Check it out in the video below:

If you want to order your own USA you can pick one up at BodyWeight Culture:

... use this discount code: JH5OFF to get $5 off your order.

Stay Fit,


1 comment:

Gordon said...

Purchase a USA a couple of weeks ago. There are some many modifictions to your normal workout it's amazing. I have been doing 400 burpees a week for the last 6 months and thought I was in shape. The USA turned on the stbilizer muscles. Try putting your feet in the strap hand walk backward about 3 ft putting your self at a 45 degree angle and do some pushups. Hardest pushup I ever did.