Sunday, December 5, 2010

Winner of the Jungle Gym Contest!

Here is the testimonial from the winner of our Jungle Gym Contest!

Cheryl’s Testimonial:

Three years ago, I was as inactive as they come. I weighed well over 200 pounds, and I was generally embarrassed by my appearance. I finally had enough of feeling bad about myself and decided it was time to change my ways and start being more active.

I started on my own, doing workout DVDs three to four times a week. I kept this up for a month or two, ensuring that I was making the workouts work into my schedule, and making sure not to miss out on things or stretch myself too thin.

Once I was set on my workout schedule, I tackled my eating habits. I wasn’t a HUGE eater, but I would eat a lot of the things that weren’t good for me. I would snack on chocolate and chips, and eat a larger portion of starch in meals versus the vegetables and protein. I started eating more well-portioned meals, reducing my starch intake and upping my vegetable intake especially. I also made sure to bring homemade meals to work for lunch and snack on healthier things most of the time.

When I started seeing physical success from my DVD workouts, I felt comfortable enough to join a gym. My workouts jumped up to 5 to 6 times per week, and really saw the improvements I was making. I was losing weight, and I could sense that I was stronger and my endurance was leaps and bounds from where it had been.

I was happy with how far I had come since starting this lifestyle change, yet I still wasn’t happy with where I was at. I decided at this point that it was time to involve a professional who could teach me how to achieve the goals I had set out, and who I could be accountable to. I also had specific areas of my physical self that I wanted to focus on and I didn’t know how. I got in contact with Josh, and immediately found his way of training and teaching his clients very enlightening and extremely useful for me. I found the process to make sense, which is important for me to maintain this plan long term. I don’t want to do something just for the sake of doing it, I want to understand how it is helping me and what it is doing.

Through Josh’s guidance, and the information he shares on the StayFitMinute site, I have gotten more on track to my ideal weight, ideal look, and ideal overall image I have of myself. I have also been empowered to share what I have learned from Josh, his SFM blog and his e-newsletter through this process. I have since started a blog of my own where I am sharing my story to a healthy me, things I have tried and what has worked or hasn’t worked for me.

Sharing this has proven already to be a great deal of help to a lot of my friends and family. They are so inspired by what I’ve shared that they are becoming more active themselves. This gives me a great deal of happiness to know I have helped others start their journey to healthy fulfilling lifestyles.

Cheryl Okorofsky

(Note: since submitting this testimonial, Cheryl has informed me that she intends to become certified as a personal trainer herself, so that she can help others experience the transformation she has enjoyed!  Way to go Cheryl!)

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